Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (2024)

For Grounded players, this is a comprehensive combat guide that provides a complete list of enemies, gear and mechanics in game, let’s check it out.

1: The Basics

To start off with, lets go over some of the elements that you will need to know about.

Here is an example screenshot of your in game hud:
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From left to right, these elements are as follows:


Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (2)The SCA.B Display allows you to see:

1: Stamina Bar

2: Thirst and Hunger meters

3: Health Bar

4: Armor Durability

  1. Stamina will drain and empty causing the player to move slowly until recharged. Actions such as; Sprinting, Swimming, Using tools or weapons will cause stamina to drain. It can be recovered by simply waiting and standing. Certain items and buffs will cause stamina to regenerate quicker, or increase maximum stamina.
  2. Thirst and hunger will slowly drain throughout the day, but activities and certain types of edibles will cause these meters to decrease quicker. Food and water are necessary to regenerate these meters.
  3. Health will decrease from; attacks, fall damage, drowning and empty hunger or thirst meters. Health can be recovered over time if the player is healthy, but can also be recovered quicker through sleeping and healing items such as bandages and smoothies.
  4. Armor durability decreases when damage is received until the armor eventually breaks. Armor will retain its stats and bonuses until depletion. Armor can be repaired using craftable items.


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The hotpouch allows for quick access of selected items

Items that have been placed into the hotpouch can be quickly selected with the numbers 1 through to 8 on the keyboard (with the default keybindings)

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Alternatively, they can also selected with a wheel menu by clicking V (with the default keybindings)

Weapon Display

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The Weapon Display shows your currently equipped weapon or tool.

This has useful information such as; Ammo count (if ranged weapon), Item count (if multiples are present in inventory), Durability, Item Level and keybindings for usage, throwing and swapping ammo(or blocking if holding a melee weapon).

2: Fighting

This section relates to how weapons and mechanics work in grounded.

Weapons overview

Weapons have different stats that affect their capabilities in battle.
These stats also apply to tools, usually though weapons do a better job in combat and will have higher stats.

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These stats are as follows from left to right.

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Weapon Description

This explains the type of weapon and any special abilities it may have as well at it’s level.

The level of a weapon determines it’s effectiveness, where higher level weapons will generally be stronger and kill enemies quicker.

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Weapon Stats

This explains how much damage a weapon can output per hit, it’s stun capability against enemies and how quickly the weapon can be used.

Some weapons will have bonus effects. These effects will usually be explained in the weapon description but will also sometimes show an icon to represent this in the weapon stats.

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this weapon can poison enemies dealing damage over time

Equipment Slots

Weapons will be held in the players main hand when equipped, certain weapons allow for a weak hand tool to be equipped alongside, such as a torch. Some weapons such as the bow are two handed and cannot have a weak hand equipped simultaneously.

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wielding the pebblet spear and the torch at the same time

Weapon stats breakdown


Damage directly relates to how much health will be lost upon attacking an enemy. The higher the damage the more health lost on a single hit.

Here is an example of 2 Tier 1 weapons hitting a weevil at full health.

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striking a weevil with the pebblet spear

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striking a weevil with the larva blade

Throwing Weapons will cause them to deal more damage, however this is not recommended outside of the Pebblet Spear, as the damage difference is minimal and retrieving these weapons may be dangerous. Weapons will become damaged quicker when thrown.

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a thrown spear will instantly kill a weevil

Weapons and tools can also be charged for more damage. While the attack is slower and may use more stamina to swing, the tradeoff is increased damage output per hit. This can be especially useful against stunned opponents.

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a charged strike against a stunned ladybug


Stun dictates how many hits it will take to stun an opponent rendering them unable to fight back for a brief time.

Stun can be summed up akin to durability with armor. If an enemies stun durability is lowered enough it will become stunned. This meter is never shown in game and it will take some trial and error with each weapon to figure how many hits it will take to stun an opponent.

Some enemies cannot be stunned, or rather, will never be stunned before being killed.
Enemies like mites and aphids have such low health that they will often die long before being stunned by any attack.

Here is an example of the Tier 2 weapon ant club and the Tier 3 weapon mint mallet stunning an enemy. These weapons have very high stun meters.

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it takes 4 hits to stun an orbweaver with the ant club

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it takes 3 hits to stun an orbweaver with the mint mallet


Speed relates to how quickly the weapon can be swung and how long it takes before the weapon can be used again after swinging.

Faster weapons will often have multiple swings in quick succession, whereas slower weapons will have only one or two. Heavier weapons will use more stamina per swing and faster weapons will use less.

Here is an example of the Tier 2 Spider Fang Dagger vs the Tier 2 Insect Hammer

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three strikes with the spider fang dagger

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two swings with the insect hammer


Blocking attacks with held weapons, will reduce the incoming damage from the attack. Most attacks can be blocked with little consequence, however some attacks cannot be blocked and some attacks will knockdown the player even if blocked.

Blocking attacks will damage you, your armor and your weapon durability as normal albeit at a reduced rate.

Blocking for too long, will cause you to be knocked down becoming unable to fight back for a short time.

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the player blocking with a spear

The block meter will appear while holding block and will display how many attacks can be taken before your block is broken.

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orbweaver spider knocking down the player by breaking their block

Blocking is useful in situation where many enemies are present or the enemy being faced is very tough, but there is a better solution than blocking.

Perfect Block

This is where perfect blocking or countering comes in.
Countering attacks negates damage completely. Countering still causes durability loss on weapons, but can shorten fights significantly by allowing more attacks to hit the target.

Countering can be performed by blocking just before an enemies attack lands. The window of opportunity for countering is different based on each enemy, but a counter can be performed on all non-projectile attacks. Countering can be achieved will all melee weapons and tools, but not ranged weapons or unarmed combat.

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countering in first person

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countering in third person

A Successful counter will be displayed by the enemy recoiling and a spark generated from the held weapon.

3: Mutations




4: Enemies

This section handles all the Insects and other garden variety creatures that are present within the game.

Enemies can be broken down into three distinct categories.

Passive Enemies

Passive enemies do not become aggressive, even when attacked.

Neutral Enemies

Neutral enemies become aggressive when attacked. Until aggravated they will remain passive.

Hostile Enemies

Hostile enemies will become aggressive if they spot the player, even without being attacked.

– a: Passive Enemies

Section 1: Passive Enemies


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Aphids are small green bugs. They are fast and can blend in easily with the terrain making them somewhat hard to spot


Aphids will wander around the garden with seemingly no purpose. Aphids will run away from any approaching bug or the player. They make a distinct noise when surprised and will jump in the air revealing themselves every so often if being chased or within proximity of a threat. Aphids can also climb up plants and blades of grass. Aphids sometimes will drop aphid honeydew which can be consumed for a small amount of food and water.

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aphid spotting the player and running

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aphid running up grass


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Gnats are small black bugs with big eyes. They are the only bugs in the game that can fly.


Gnats fly around the garden in search of pollen from flowers. Gnats have poor sense of direction and will often get caught on all manner of obstacles. Gnats cannot harm the player, but they can bump into you, briefly displacing you. Gnats can also be found flying around the lamps in the garden at night.

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gnats bumping the player

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gnat stuck in a web

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gnats flying around a lamp at night


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Grub burrowed
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Grub unearthed


Grubs are medium sized pale brown/yellow bugs with long bodies.


Grubs can only be found burrowed under the ground, they will generally be ignored by all other bugs because of this. Grubs travel very slowly and cannot be harmed until unearthed using a shovel.

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grub being dug up

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grub burrowing


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Weevils are medium sized black bugs with long noses.


Weevils wander around the garden and can often be found being hunted by worker ants. Weevils move slowly and are very easy to hunt down by players and bugs alike.

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weevil being attacked by an ant

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weevil running from the player


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– b: Neutral Enemies

Section 2: Neutral Enemies

Worker Ants

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Worker ants are medium sized bugs, brown in colour and small pincers on their mouth.


Worker ants can be seen collecting food and attacking smaller bugs like aphids and weevils. They can be found in large groups surrounding food sources in the garden but typically are only seen alone or in groups of two. Worker ants will inspect the player and sometimes even follow them, but will charge at the player when attacked and will call assistance from nearby ants even if the player did not attack them. Worker ants will take food and resources from anywhere they can reach, including player homes. Exposed chests can be looted by worker ants.

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worker ant carrying bug meat

Attack Pattern

Worker ants only have one attack that is fast but can be avoided. Worker ants alone may struggle to kill the player but will usually surround the player in packs to bring them down quickly.

Charge attack

A charged strike that can hit targets from a medium distance away dealing minor damage.

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attack at close range

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attack at medium range


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Ladybugs are large round bugs with spotted red and black backs.


Ladybugs wander around the garden chasing and killing aphids. Ladybugs walk very slowly and will not react to the player unless attacked. Ladybugs are tough and can the hurt the player very easily but can be outrun and escaped with ease, they will give up chase very quickly.

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player riding the ladybug

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ladybug looking for aphids

Attack Pattern

Ladybugs only have one attack that is very slow but hits hard.

Charge Attack

A charged strike that can hit targets from a medium distance away dealing heavy damage. This attack is very slow and can be avoided easily but if not blocked will knock down the player.

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ladybug charging the player

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ladybug knocking down the player


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– c: Hostile Enemies

Section 3: Hostile Enemies

Lawn Mites

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Mites are small bright red bugs.


Mites can be found chewing wires and also in the surrounding wooded areas in large quantity. Mites can also be seen attacking nearby aphids and weevils.

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two mites chasing a weevil accidentally attacking a ladybug

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mite chewing on wire

Attack Patterns

Mites only have one attack. Mites are fast and usually attack in groups but are very weak on their own and will almost never overpower the player. Being surrounded by mites can be hazardous to new players, but due to their low aggression range, this can be avoided.

Jumping Attack

A small jumping attack with short range. Very low accuracy and will often miss if the player moves slightly. Weak damage but relatively fast.

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mite jumping at the player


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Spiderlings are small brown spiders.


Spiderlings wander around spider dwellings, such as the berry tree in the garden.

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spiderling in the tree

Attack Patterns

Spiderlings only have one attack. Spiderlings are nimble but have limited range due to their small size and do not deal much damage.

Bite attack

A quick bite that can hit targets from a small distance away dealing minor damage.

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spiderling trying it’s best


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Soldier Ants

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Soldier ants are large brown bugs with large pincers on their mouth.


Soldier ants inhabit underground ant hills fending off any predators that may come in such as spiders. Soldier ants protect ant eggs from players and bugs alike. Soldier ants are rarely seen alone and usually will be in groups of 2-3. Soldier ants will not attack the player and act like Neutral enemies if the Ant armor is equipped.

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soldier ant dying whilst defending it’s home

Attack Patterns

Soldier ants have one attack. Soldier ants are ruthless and will attack very quickly, with only small room for the player to fight back unharmed. Soldier ants work better in groups, but seperated they lose their strength as though their attacks are quick, they will struggle to kill well equipped opponents.

Charge Attack

A charged strike that can hit from medium distance dealing average damage. This attack is very quick and does not take much time at all to find its target. A move that is harder to dodge but can be effectively blocked.

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soldier ant attack at close range

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soldier ant attack at medium range


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Larva are large sized brown striped bugs with small pincers on their mouth.


Larva hatch from ant eggs in large quantities and can mostly be found near or inside ant hills. Larva will wander nearby the ant hill and attack smaller bugs and predators.

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larva attacking the player in a group

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sleeping larva in an underground ant hill

Attack Patterns

Larva have one attack. Larva attack quickly with 3 rapid strikes, however this attack can be countered preventing further strikes. Larva are not as quick as Soldier ants but will always be nearby other Larva, so fighting them alone is usually not an option. Large groups of Larva can easily overwhelm the player.

Bite attack

A quick biting attack, striking three times in succession unless countered. Deals moderate damage but has limited range.

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larva attack breaking the players block


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Orbweaver spider

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Orbweaver Spiders are very large spiders with a yellow and black patterned backside.


Orbweaver spiders will only occupy certain areas of the garden, where they will patrol and place spiderwebs. Orbweaver spiders will commonly fight other bugs but never other spiders. Orbweaver spiders can be seen through the grass as their size allows them to push through obstacles that would stop other bugs or the player.

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spiderweb placed by orbweaver to trap bugs and the player

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orbweaver spiders resting

Attack Patterns

Orbweaver spiders have two attacks. Orbweavers are very powerful enemies, they can make use of a long range web shot and a medium range biting attack. Orbweavers are fast and strong, and will be difficult to kill for unprepared players.

Web shot

A long ranged web attack fired from the spiders rear, capable of encasing the player in web restricting movement until destroyed. This attack deals low damage and has a very low accuracy but can be incredibly dangerous as it allows the Orbweaver to get in close for more lethal attacks.

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spider shooting web at the player

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web shot encasing the player

Bite attack

A biting attack dealing large damage from medium range. A relatively quick and powerful attack that cannot be avoided by running away in a straight line.

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orbweaver attacking the player


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– d: Hostile Enemies Cont.

Wolf Spider

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Wolf spiders are very large spiders, even bigger than Orbweaver spiders. They are light brown and furry with dark brown stripes on their backsides.


Wolf Spiders, like Orbweavers, only occupy certain areas of the garden, in which they will patrol and attack anyone who enters. Wolf spiders do not leave webs like Orbweavers, but will stalk players only revealing themselves when they are within attacking range.

Attack Patterns

Wolf spiders have two attacks. Wolf spiders are very fast and can kill an unarmored player in a single strike. Wolf spiders do not have long range attacks, but instead will jump at the player from a large distance to close the gap. Wolf spiders are dangerous even to well prepared players.

Jumping Attack

A long distance jumping attacking that is very quick and can deal massive damage but with low accuracy.

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wolf spider jumping at the player

Bite attack

A medium range biting attack that is quick and deals high damage. This attack is capable of poisoning players if they do not dodge or counter it.

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wolf spider biting the player


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Bombardier Beetle

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Bombardier Beetles are large bugs that have bright orange bodies with green backsides.


Bombardier beetles patrol areas near logs and rocks and will attack predators that approach them.

Attack Patterns

Bombardier beetles have two attacks. Bombardier beetles are capable of knocking down opponents and quickly finishing them off even with their slow speeds. Bombardier beetles can hit distant opponents with ease due to their large acid spray and should be approached with caution.

Acid Spray

Acid spray is a long ranged attack capable of knocking down the player and dealing high damage. This attack cannot be blocked.

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bombardier beetle knocking down the player

Charge Attack

A charging attack that can hit player from a medium distance, while slow it is capable of dealing high damage.

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bombardier beetle attacking the player


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Stink Bug

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Stink bugs are very large brown bugs with long bodies. Stink bugs are the biggest bugs in the game.


Stinkbugs will occupy only certain areas of the garden and will patrol that area and occasionally release toxic gas to ward off enemies.

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three stink bugs surrounding and gassing an orbweaver

Attack Patterns

Stink bugs have two attacks. Stink bugs can deny huge areas with their toxic clouds but apart from that they are very slow and can be avoided easily. Stink bugs can take many hits and will deal high damage and as such should only be attacked by those who are prepared.

Gas Cloud

Gas cloud is a huge cloud of gas that covers an area around the stinkbug, poisoning anything that stands in it and dealing huge damage. The damage however can be negated completely with the right equipment.

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stink bug releasing gas

Charge Attack

A charging attack that can hit a player from a medium distance dealing high damage. This attack is slow and can be avoided.

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stink bug attacking the player


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Infected Mite

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Infected mites look like regular lawn mites, however they are darker, almost a pale green colour.


Infected mites will only appear in the haze zone of the garden. Infected mites wander around the haze zone attacking anything that approaches.

Attack Patterns

Infected mites have two attacks. Infected mites are stronger than lawn mites and deal more damage, however due to the nature of the haze zone only being accessible later in the game, it is likely the infected mites will serve no threat to players who are prepared. Infected mites gain no speed bonuses over regular mites.

Spitting Attack

A long distance attack that shoots a small projectile at the player. This attack is very fast but has low accuracy and damage.

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infected mite spitting at the player

Jump Attack

A small jumping attack with short range. Very low accuracy and will often miss if the player moves slightly. Weak damage but relatively fast.

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infected mite jumping at the player


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Infected Weevil

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Infected weevils look like regular weevils but have been mutated and now present glowing spores all over it’s body.


Infected weevils wander the haze and charge any approaching threat that comes near it.

Attack Patterns

Infected weevils have one attack. Infected weevils can be dangerous due to the fact that it is difficult to see in the haze. These enemies will run up to you and be capable of dealing high damage to players caught unaware.


Explode causes an infected weevil to self destruct dealing high damage to players and any bugs caught in the blast. This attack takes time to wind up and is easy to dodge, but due to the low vision can catch players off guard.

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weevil self destructing


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– e: Unique Enemies

There are currently only 2 unique enemies in the game. Unique enemies do not respawn after being killed.


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TAYZ.T is a unique enemy. TAYZ.T is unlike any other enemies and is a small hovering robot wielding a tazer and a baton. It has a red flashing light on its head.


TAYZ.T patrols areas near and in the large labs within the game, attacking intruders who enter.

Attack Patterns

TAYZ.T has three attacks. TAYZ.T can be very dangerous to anyone who enters the oak tree lab unprepared as his wild attack patterns and powerful attacks can very quickly kill the player. While TAYZ.T is quick and strong, it lacks range and cannot effectively harm a player from a distance.

Quick attack

Quick attack is a close range swipe dealing medium damage. This is attack is hard to block or counter as it gives the player little time to prepare and is usually used in between other attacks.

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TAYZ.T striking the player

Spinning strike

Spinning strike is a close range attack that hit three times in succession if not countered. This attack is fast and can quickly kill the player but has short range and can be avoided by running away.

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two strikes into a spin

Electric shock

Electric shock is a close range attack the is powerful but slow. TAYZ.T prepares the strike giving players time to move out of range.

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TAYZ.T charging a tazer


TAYZ.T does not drop materials, but rather raw science which can traded by talking to BURG.L

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raw science lava lamp

5: Equipment

This section details the tools, weapons and armour you can obtain in the game and the necessary steps to obtaining them.

Equipment can be crafted in the menu using materials gathered throughout the world. Crafting recipes can be unlocked by gathering the base materials for the piece of equipment.

All equipment in the game comes under three tiers, these tiers dictate the effectiveness and strength of the equipment as well as the difficulty in obtaining them where Tier 1 equipment is easy to obtain but not as good as Tier 2 and 3.

But before we get into that lets talk about analyzing materials.

Field Stations

Field stations are dome tents with science tools inside. Field stations are revealable landmarks that will appear on your map. There are many field stations to find in the game, the most notable being near the mysterious machine and inside the tree at the oak lab as part of the main questline.

The purpose of field stations is to analyze items and materials for raw science and further crafting recipes (some crafting recipes can only be obtained by analyzing materials).

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a field station hidden within the grass

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unanalyzed materials appear highlighted in the inventory

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new recipes and raw science acquired

Raw Science

Raw science is a currency in game that can be spent at the oak lab. Raw science can be spent to unlock new crafting recipes that can otherwise not be obtained. Raw science can be found throughout the garden and after analyzing materials. Raw science can also be retrieved from TAYZ.T’s body.

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raw science found in the oak lab

Raw science can only be spent after tech chips are found and delivered to BURG.L. After speaking to BURG.L raw science can be traded. BURG.L is located at the oak lab.

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raw science trading window


The workbench is a piece of furniture which is required to craft higher tier equipment.
The workbench recipe can be obtained by analyzing one of it’s base ingredients namely Sap.

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workbench recipe

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crafted workbench

The workbench can also be used to make important items like armour glue, which can be used to repair broken armour.


Durability dictates how long a piece of equipment can be used before breaking.
Tools, weapons and armour alike will maintain all of it’s benefits until it’s durability is depleted in which it will then need to be repaired.

Tools and weapons can be repaired by using qaurtzite.
Quartzite can be found in quartzite veins and only require a Tier 1 smashing tool in order to harvest. The amount of quartzite needed to repair the tools differs, but generally higher Tier equipment will require more.

Armour pieces will require armour glue in order to repair. Armour glue can be must first be unlocked in order to craft and will require a workbench. Tier 2 armour and above will require super armour glue which is harder to obtain, but arguably still cheaper in resources than re-crafting the armour pieces.

Repairing equipment is as simple as selecting repair in the inventory on the damaged piece.

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (116)
quartzite material

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (117)
quartzite vein

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (118)
armour glue for simple armours

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (119)
super armour glue for higher level armours

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (120)
right clicking on damaged equipment

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (121)
active repair window

Equipment does not need to be depleted in order to be repaired, however the cost of repairs remains the same.

– a: Tools

Tier 1 tools

Pebblet Axe

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (122)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 chopping tool
  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 3 Sprigs
  • 2 Pebblets
  • 1 Crude Rope

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Analyzing pebblet

Pebblet Hammer

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (123)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 smashing tool
  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 3 Sprigs
  • 4 Pebblets
  • 1 Crude Rope

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Crafting Crude Rope

Acorn Shovel

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (124)


  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing
  • Unearthing Grubs


  • 2 Sprigs
  • 1 Woven Fiber
  • 1 Acorn Shell

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Analyzing Crude Rope / Picking up Acorn Shell

Acorn Shovel+

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (125)


  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing
  • Unearthing Grubs


  • 2 Sprigs
  • 1 Woven Fiber
  • 1 Acorn Shell

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Upgrading with raw science


Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (126)


  • Provides Light


  • 2 Sprigs
  • 1 Sap
  • 2 Woven Fiber
  • 3 Dry Grass Chunks

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Picking up Sap


Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (127)


  • Provides Light


  • 2 Sprigs
  • 1 Sap
  • 2 Crude Rope
  • 3 Dry Grass Chunks

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Upgrading with raw science

Slime Mold Torch

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (128)


  • Provides Low Light


  • 2 Slime Mold Stalk
  • 2 Plant Fiber

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Picking up Slime Mold Stalk


Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (129)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 chopping tool or tier 1 smashing tool
  • Throwing
  • Damaging enemies


  • 2 Fungal Growth
  • 1 Ant Egg
  • 4 Dry Grass Chunks

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

Picking up Fungal Growth

Sticky Bomb

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (130)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 chopping tool or tier 1 smashing tool
  • Throwing
  • Damaging enemies


  • 3 Web Fiber
  • 1 Bratburst

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Analyzing Bratburst

Repair Tool

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (131)


  • Repairing Damaged Buildings
  • Melee Attacks
  • Throwing


  • 3 Crude Rope
  • 2 Sprigs
  • 1 Quartzite

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Picking up Quartzite

Tier 2

Insect Axe

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (132)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 or tier 2 chopping tool
  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 1 Ladybug Head
  • 3 Bombardier Part
  • 4 Silk Rope

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

Analyzing Ladybug Head

Insect Hammer

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (133)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 or tier 2 smashing tool
  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 4 Stinkbug Part
  • 4 Berry Leather
  • 1 Boiling Gland

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

Picking up Boiling Gland

– b: Weapons

Weapons along with stats, have added effects making them more useful in combat.

Currently the only bonus that can be attached to weapons is poison.
Poison will deal additional damage over a period of time to enemies struck.

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (134)

Tier 1 Weapons

Pebblet Spear

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (135)


  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 2 Sprig
  • 3 Plant Fiber
  • 1 Pebblet

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Picking up Pebblet

Sprig Bow

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (136)


  • Ranged Attacks
  • Throwing


  • 3 Sprigs
  • 4 Gnat Fuzz
  • 2 Crude Rope

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Analyzing Woven Fiber

Spiky Sprig

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (137)


  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 3 Sprigs
  • 5 Thistle Needle
  • 2 Crude Rope

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Analyzing Sprig

Larva Blade

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (138)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 chopping tool
  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 2 Larva Spike
  • 3 Grub Hide
  • 1 Acid Gland

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

Picking up Acid Gland

Rotten Larva Blade

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (139)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 chopping tool
  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


This weapon cannot be crafted

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Must be found in the garden

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (140)
rotten larva blade stuck in a rock under a leaf near the billy hogs



Can only be used in the bow

Workbench Required?

– No for all

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (141)


  • 2 Mite Fuzz
  • 5 Thistle Needle

Unlocked By

Picking up Mite Fuzz

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (142)


  • 5 Arrow
  • 5 Flower Petal

Unlocked By

Picking up Flower Petal

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (143)


  • 5 Arrow
  • 1 Spider Venom

Unlocked By

Picking up Spider Venom

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (144)


  • 2 Arrows
  • 1 Stinkbug Gas Sack

Unlocked By

Picking up Stinkbug Gas Sack

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (145)


  • 1 Crow Feather Piece
  • 2 Silk Rope

Unlocked By

Picking up Crow Feather Piece

Feather arrow’s are currently the only tier 2 arrows

Tier 2 Weapons

Ant Club

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (146)


  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 4 Ant Part
  • 2 Crude Rope
  • 2 Ant Mandibles

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

Picking up Ant Mandibles

Rotten Ant Club

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (147)


  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


This weapon cannot be crafted

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Can only be found in the garden.

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (148)
rotten ant club found in a cave

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (149)
hole in the wall underneath the berry tree

Spider Fang Dagger

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (150)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 chopping tool
  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 1 Spider Fang
  • 3 Silk Rope
  • 4 Spider Venom

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

Picking up Spider Fang

Insect Bow

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (151)


  • Ranged Attacks
  • Throwing


  • 2 Spider Chunk
  • 2 Spider Fang
  • 2 Silk Rope

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

Analyze Spider Fang

Tier 3 Weapons

Mint Mallet

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (152)


  • Harvesting materials requiring a tier 1 and tier 2 smashing tool
  • Melee Attacks
  • Blocking
  • Throwing


  • 5 Mint Chunk
  • 9 Silk Rope
  • 8 Flower Petal

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

Picking up Mint Chunk

– c: Armour

All armour pieces must be crafted at a workbench, with the exception of armour pieces found in the garden that cannot be crafted.

Armour can provide defense against enemies, the higher the defense the more hits the player can take before being killed. Apart from defense, armour will also apply buffs.

Armour can provide many buffs from both from sets and individual pieces, each piece of armour will apply these buffs independently but will be strengthened with the full set.
These buffs are as follows:

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Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (154)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (155)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (156)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (157)

Tier 1

Aphid Slippers

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (158)


  • 2 Raw Aphid Meat
  • 10 Mite Fuzz

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Raw Aphid Meat


Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (159)


  • 1 Woven Fiber
  • 2 Fiber Bandage
  • 1 Sap

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Woven Fiber

Mite Hat

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (160)


  • 5 Mite Fuzz
  • 5 Grub Hide

Unlocked By

– Picking up Mite Fuzz

Gas Mask

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (161)


  • 1 Weevil Nose
  • 4 Gnat Fuzz
  • 2 Woven Fiber
  • 1 Stinkbug Part

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Weevil Nose

Clover Set

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (162)

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (163)

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (164)


  • 13 Clover Leaf
  • 6 Woven Fiber
  • 2 Sprig

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Clover

Acorn Set

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (165)

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (166)

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (167)


  • 6 Acorn Shell
  • 5 Mite Fuzz
  • 6 Clover Leaf
  • 4 Sap
  • 11 Woven Fiber

Unlocked By

– Analyze Acorn Shell

Ant Set

in addition to it’s applied buff, the full set will allow the player to not be attacked on sight by soldier ants. Individual pieces will not prevent aggression.
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (168)

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (169)

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (170)


  • 1 Ant Head
  • 14 Ant Part
  • 2 Acid Gland
  • 2 Woven Fiber
  • 11 Mite Fuzz

Unlocked By

– Picking up Ant Mandibles

Grub Set

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (171)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (172)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (173)


  • 12 Grub Hide
  • 1 Raw Weevil Meat
  • 2 Grub Goop
  • 8 Dry Grass Chunk
  • 2 Mite Fuzz

Unlocked By

– Analyze Grub Hide

Tier 2

Ladybug Set

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (174)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (175)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (176)


  • 1 Ladybug Head
  • 11 Ladybug Part
  • 11 Berry Leather
  • 6 Flower Petal

Unlocked By

– Analyze Ladybug Part

Spider Set

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (177)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (178)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (179)


  • 2 Spider Fang
  • 12 Spider Chunk
  • 8 Spider Silk
  • 7 Berry Leather

Unlocked By

Rotten Bee Armour

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (180)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (181)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (182)


This armour cannot be crafted.

Unlocked By

– This armour must be found in the garden.

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (183)
anthill in the garden
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Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (185)
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (186)
each rotten bee armour piece found next to human bones within the anthill

6: Additional Supplies

This section relates to craftable items and structures that will aid you greatly alongside weapons and armour.

Craftable Items

Fiber Bandage

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (187)


The Fiber Bandage provides the player with a large amount of health over time. Rather than immediately healing the player, health will regenerate over a few seconds.


  • 1 Plant Fiber
  • 1 Sap

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Picking up Grass Fiber

Armour Glue

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (188)


Armour Glue is used to repair a single piece of Tier 1 armour, for sets of armour 3 Armour Glues will need to crafted.


  • 3 Mite Fuzz
  • 2 Sap
  • 1 Woven Fiber

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Mite Fuzz

Super Armour Glue

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (189)


Super Armour Glue is used to repair a single piece of Tier 2 armour, it cannot be used to repair Tier 1 armour.


  • 1 Berry Leather
  • 4 Spider Silk

Workbench Required?

– Yes

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Berry Leather


Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (190)


The Canteen can be used to hold two droplets of water for later consumption. The Canteen cannot mix liquids however, so you cannot hold a droplet of soda from one of the many cans scattered around the garden and a water droplet at the same time. The Canteen can also be used as a weapon.


  • 3 Grub Hide
  • 2 Woven Fiber

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Grub Hide


Structures must be placed on terrain in the garden, once placed they cannot be moved. A structures blueprint can be placed first however in order to find a good position and if all materials required have not yet been gathered. Recycling a structure (holding x with default keybindings) will return some, but not all of the materials used.

Roasting Spit

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (191)


The Roasting Spit is used to cook raw meats acquired from killing various bugs. Raw meats can be eaten and will restore a slight amount of hunger but will decrease thirst and poison the player for a short period, whereas cooked meats will provide a medium amount of hunger with no downsides.


  • 4 Pebblet
  • 2 Sprig
  • 3 Dry Grass Chunk

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

Mushroom Garden

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (192)


The Mushroom Garden provides 4 mushrooms on occasion that can be picked up. The Mushroom Garden does not require any input after being built and will continue to grow mushrooms periodically.


  • 8 Woven Fiber
  • 6 Weed Stem
  • 1 Acorn Top
  • 1 Spoiled Meat

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Picking up Acorn Top

Jerky Rack

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (193)


The Jerky Rack can be used to hold 3 pieces of raw meat for ageing into jerky. Jerky will provide more hunger than raw meat but will also reduce thirst. The Jerky Rack can also be used to make dry grass.


  • 5 Bombardier Part
  • 6 Woven Fiber

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Bombardier Part

Dew Collecter

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (194)


The Dew Collector can be placed on terrain near sources of dew buildup and will catch dew drops for later consumption.


  • 5 Woven Fiber
  • 6 Weed Stem
  • 8 Quartzite
  • 5 Spider Silk

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Spider Silk

Water Container

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (195)


The Water Container can be used to store up to six drops of liquid. Like the canteen it cannot mix different types of liquid. To fill the Water Container a Canteen will be needed.


  • 3 Acorn Shell
  • 2 Woven Fiber
  • 1 Clover Leaf

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Picking up Acorn Shell

Spike Strip

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (196)


The Spike Strip is a deployable trap that will damage enemies and players alike that walk over the spikes.


  • 3 Weed Stem
  • 3 Thistle Needle
  • 1 Sap
  • 2 Woven Fiber

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Thistle Needle

Lure Trap

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (197)


The Lure Trap is a deployable trap that when placed, will give an aroma attracting nearby insects.


  • 4 Flower Petal
  • 4 Sprig

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Analyze Flower Petal

Smoothie Station

Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (198)


The Smoothie Station is a structure that allows the player to make smoothies. Smoothies are items that will provide a small amount of health and thirst and depending on the ingredients, will apply special buffs to the player.


  • 1 Acorn Top
  • 4 Sprig
  • 5 Grub Goop

Workbench Required?

– No

Unlocked By

– Analyzing Acorn Top

That’s all we are sharing today in American Truck Simulator Low Boy Load Guide, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.

Credit to Stepdad Vince


Related Posts:

  • Grounded Beginners Guide (Characters, Crafting, Unlocks, and More)
  • Grounded Smoothie Recipes Guide (Health, Hunger, Increased Damage)
  • Grounded Combat Tips (Spiders, Sting Bugs, Bombardbugs, Larvae)
  • Grounded Full Map with Location Marks (Spider, Bugs, Mites, Grubs, Infected)
  • Grounded Beginner Tips and Hints for All Bosses and the Final Battle
Grounded Combat Guide (Enemies, Gear & Mechanics) - SteamAH (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Views: 5502

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.