The Daily Chronicle from Centralia, Washington (2024)

Weather Scattered ihowen Filday, with brief tunny periodf. High temperature, 63; low, 36'. Complete weather pate 13. Today'sNews Ontralii-Chehalii, Wubingtoa Ccnti 1 A I Thurjday, October 6, 1955 Twenty-Four AwocUted PitM tnd Southwell Wwhington New. the It Vol.

LXIV, No. 236 New '99' Traffic Could Find This Rough 64 Lose Lives in Crash Of Airliner in Wyoming Zheholins To Boost Visit 1 of Bloodmobile SOUTH OF CHEIULIS tit* section PacUio hljh- Highway construction work has almost hidden rails, but they are way, with paving completed en all four lanes, looks like there, left to permit CCC locomotives to pass towards ccn- blghwsy crews forgot to pave a sizeable gap much to the Jnil count wnere Hue a kfnj up I Is rails as last step 1 "7 Cascade right-of-way with new '99'. cover railroad rliht-of-way. Chronicle Staff Photo. County Heads Under Fire For Decision on Hospital An aroused jrroun of Lewis Pital and Southwest Washington starts.

He said the hospital issue nn gi up i 1 rt hRftn a nfllttinul fnnthall 1nr en Nixon Invited By President To Discussion DENVER The Denve LARAM1E, Wyo. United Air Lines DC4 plowed into the side of Medicine Bow peak Thursday and it wai believed all 64 aboard were killed. "1 don't see how there would be a chance of anyone surviving," said Capt. Mel Conine, Wyoming National Guard jet pilot who spotted the wreckage. "The plane plowed nose first into a sheer rock cliff The first action to be taken next "Adventurers" can now roll up.

a ut 200 feet from the top of the peak," Conine said. Jonday when the Chehalis sleeves and go to work, Mel- tl, enlure in Cooperation" declared. lf al hed would be "orst action phase will be to Listed mercial crash the history oi, Auarely behind and boost to thej The following 28 projects have United States airlines. loodmobile visit to Chehalis next.been recommended for Rescue workers started immed- hursday, Gail Shaw, "Adven-jtion i the action phase: by car, helicopter and plane ure" vice chairman, had declared 1 1--Water resources, 0 the scene, which Is not a oday. jdomestic and industrial reserves; r0 State Highway 130.

Decision for the move was unani-'2--New industries development, The peak is about 401 mously voted upon at a commu-lwork closely with Chamber i west al this southeastern Ity development advisory board Commerce industry committee; 3--' Wyoming city, neeting earlier in the week when Beatification of city approaches, jstruck Near Peak's Crest was pointed out a serious short-iin conjunction with state highway Be of blood exists in the Lewislcommission; 4--City wide clean- ounty blood bank. up and paint-up; 5 Railroadj snow covered clif a str i king Said Desperate rose gardej, peak He sM there rnn the 1 CorT isits of the bloodmobile have pro ducd donations far short of the need. The county now faces a hreat of withdrawal of future ventlon and tourist promotion; 11 Music festivals at Christmas or Easter or both; 12 Possibility bloodmobile visits if more of YMCA AND YWCA ln coopera donations are not received, Jones pointed out. 15 a large black area between CL I the plane's wreckage and a point 200 feet from the top of the cliff. Conine and Col.

E. R. Weed, also of the Wyoming Guard, said the air was turbulent because of with sponsored welcome for teachers; 14 -church welcome si ns at city school, will initiate an action-filled 1 agricultural experi- citizens, most of them representing various Twin City organizations, appeared before the Lewis county commissioners Thursday morning to pro test action by the county heads to cease operation of the Lewie County General Hospital on July 3 1 1956. After nearly two of discussion, ome of it heated, Commissioners Hubert Ander- Clarence Roberts, who hvor the county quitting pital support, refused to re- their action. Already op to the county move is Commission Chairman Martin Jacobsen.

Chance Is Urjed Anderson and Roberts emphaslz- air are not mandatory furtttions of county government, for either or both can be eliminated. He added hat since the fair pays for itself and the hospital doesn't, a change must be made. Jacobsen was quick to point out county appropriates $15,000 a year for the fair operation and thai over a period 10 years, 000 expended on the fair can't exactly be called a paying proposition. The hospital could do Just as well, 11. subsidized.

Cites Poislbllltiei The commission chairman then listed three possible alternatives In the hospital problem: 1--Sell it outright, but the peonle would still have U-decide it in i public hearing; 1--Lease the hospital, which would not get the county out of the hospital business but insteac would probably have to pay several hundred thousand dollars to starts. He said tne hospital issue House announCDd Thursda has been a political football for so vice Pres dent Kixon will fly here TM long he figured the easiest way to get the hospital-out of that category would be to establish a hos- pilal district. ed time and that Ihe formation of a hospital district would be the best solution to the problem, declaring they cannot allow the county's funds to be further jeopardized by a losing operation that is 525,000 in the red for 1955 as of Thursday. The pair pointed out the county has paid $400,000 to improve the hospital for the county, appropriated J65.000 last year to erase a deficit, and now is being asked to take care out ol current expense funds the present fM.OOO deficit. The hospital today is the largest in the county with 65 beds.

From rejuvenate the hospital alter the'miss loners go on record that they essee gave up, and 3 --Would belin'end to operate the county hos- much cheaper to operate 12 monthsipHal at peak efficiency until some Saturday for a hospital visit with Ra Melhart stated. President Eisenhower at the President's invitation. Nixon will fly here with Sher- rnental and research station; 16-- Music Is Scheduled A band concert by (he Chehalfs high school band will precede the suburban, cooperation; 19 Extension of downtown parking, free parking; 20--Downtown rest rooms; 21 Swimming pool; citizens program; 23-However, those before the corn- Youth recreation program, direct high quality atatf. Emphasis was nade that an uncertain future at he hospital will almost do irre- arable damage to Us administrate! and service. SUfemeit Forthcoming After considerable delay and con- stanf urging by Joy Palmer, Chamber of Commerce head, Centralia Mayor Vern Cain, and Centralla City Commissioner Bill Singer, the following statement, worded by Singer, wa sissued by the county commissioners and placed in the minutes: "The county com- James C.

Hagerly, White House u. i i i triii.c i TM secretary, said he did not early to enjoy the music, Mel- mow what Nixon would discuss! nart said. and subsidize on a limited basis than to close it up in seven months and pay maintenance costs of an empty building or, if not maintained, let the windows of the $400,000 Investment be shot out by children. The principal objection of those present appeared to be why the commissioners acted with such speed in deciding to halt support and operation of the hospital. Says Hospital 'Football' Anderson said he had mentioned nfne months ago he favored a hos- February, 1954, to February, 1955, pltal district to be formed and, it had 1,914 patients 45 percent no action was taken, he be- of them county welfare patients, llieved it was time to make a housing; 25 -football field, Ir Sa! was recently paved starting atjers, lights; 26 Stock judging 7:45 p.m.

The public is urged to pavilion at fairgrounds; 27 City wide street renumbering, and 28-Expansion program at Cascade Centralia Youngsters Will Rule City for Day Friday Centralia's city officials will judge; Gary Hereford, fire succeeding organization can iake over operation of the hospital or until it proves impractical for the county to continue its operation." Among those present at the hearing were: Mrs. Earl Bissell, chairman of the Lewis County hospital auxiliary, and seven members; Mr. and Mrs. Nort Seip, Centralia community development association; Joy Palmer, Centralia Chamber of Commerce head; Centralia with the President but he added ill A a year of study, Chehalis school, new class rooms, would not be "a visit where troversial policies" wo.uld be up. The announcement came at an 11 a.m.'news conference which brought another cheerful bulletin on the President's condition.

Hagerty said the President sent an invitation to Nixon to visit him through Adams at the time he wrote the vice president few days ago to continue presiding over Cabinet and National i Council meetings. Topics To Be Limited The conference, Hagerly made clear, would be limited to topics cleared in advance by the presidential physicians. Secretary of State Dulles may visit the Presi- dent.sometime next week for a talk before going to the foreign ministers' meeting at Geneva, but this is not definite. leavy winds." Tne jet pilot said parts of the plane were scattered several hundred yards from the main part of the fuselage. The plane was carrying 61 pas sengers and a crew of three.

Ii originated in New York at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday and had lett Denver at 6:33 a.m. It was bound for San Francisco by of Salt Lake City. Crew Members Identified The crew was identified as C.C Cooke, 34, plane captain, of Metilo Park, B. D.

Salisbury, 33 first officer, of Palto Alto, Calif, and Patricia Shuttleworth, 11, Salt Lake City. City, the Latter Day Saints Church reported si and "maybe seven" members of Mormon Tabernacle choir were aboard the flight. They were re. Indiana Plant Closed Down After Rioting NEW CASTLE, Ind. The Perfect Circle Co.

said in a public meeting Tnursday has no inten- ion oi keeping its riot-beset foun- iry here closed. "We are just not in a position to thai, 1 company attor- Clyde Hoffman toM Mayor Paul F. McCormack at an emergency conference between Perfect Jircle and representatives of the ClO-United Auto Workers. The union retorted immediately from tour. a European concert The worst previous commercial airline disaster in the United States was June 24, west A their jobs momentarily Friday when the city has its annual Kids' Day activities for which will range nto Sunday under direction of the CenLralia, Kiwanis club.

The city's mayor Friday will be Mayor Vern Cain and Ceniralia city Rich Scherer, police chief; Doug Martin, building inspector, and Les Reynoldson, city engineer. Friday night the Kiwanians stage their 10th annual junior high grid I iiiavui A luiajr wjii Blair Earner, 17-year-old CHS sen- fclasslc benefit af- inr atiri snn nf Mr anri Mrs Har- talr "Pening at 8 oclock, With the vey Earner. 0 Sta juniors playing Aberdeen the city commission's presiding chair from Mayor Vern Cain. Th! he ou commissioners of finance for the Bt 1 ne 24. 1950, when I 5tin(i'! -XM cra'shed-li Date Michigan.

Villy-elght were killed. The most disastrous air crash ol any type was an Air Force C-124 near Tokyo on June 18, 1953, when 129 perished. United said in Denver that Cooke was a company veteran of almos 12 years, Salisbury had been with United three years, and Miss Shuttleworth joined the firm 6 months ago. that it could not guarantee against a repetition of Wednesday's rioting if the plant reopens. Eight persons were shot Wednesday as union sympathizer! advanced on 100 non-strikers barricaded in tie three-story red brick foundry.

Mayor QuMw Bible Mayor McCormack; opened tot first union-management meeting in more than a month with a quotation from the Bible. The chief executive of this city of 18,000 read from 1st Romans, 2nd chapter, which' begins: "Therefore you have no excuse, ih man, whoever you are, when you judge another Hoffman said the company been willing at all times since the strike began July 25 to negotiate wages, union shop and other issues with tho union hut that the '0AW- CIO has refused. a i I thei be umor "Eh "a 80 The 11 a.m. medical said: day will be Ron Lawler, and John Simmons will be public works commissioner. The youth administration was.

elected at the high school in stu-, rochlal schoo! dent elections. Young department-l Saturday afternoon all kids are to 80 Centralia youngsters battling for 12 awards and for a traveling school trophy. The 1954 came from St. Mary's TJAW international tlve William F. Caldwell' replied the company was insisting upon bargaining only tor the New Castle foundry while the union, thinks it Is entitled to bargain simultaneously for plants at New Oasile and nearby Hagersiown and Richmond, Ind.

three years, and Uniln Charges Coercion Bill Singer nd Alva nmiiHm Bill linger and Alva, "The Presidents condition con- Roberts explained how the hos-ichange before the 1956 election Itorney John'panesko. Veager; Dr. H. Y. Be lia; Chehalis Mayor Walt ham and Chehalis city commissioner Fred Moore, Prose'cuting At- LU Saari, street courtesy of the Khvanians.Ua II Centra- tmues to be satisfactory WarreIl Biek waler superimend and on Sunday the Kiwanians a TM 1 0 5 ri had fluent: John Brill, light sueprintend- urging that all youngsters go to; i a i I Georgia McAHister, city clerk; Cither Sunday school or to church Auto Plunges Into Children KALAMAZOO, Mich, dn A car coming over the crest of a hill Thursday plowed Into a group of school bus passengers trying to aid motorist who car had overturned.

Two persons were killed and seven Injured. The deud were 14-year-old Jame: T. Bailey of nearby Plainwell and Roy Thayer, 63, driver of the bus. Thayer had halted his bus to take on passengers when car came over the hill and slammed on the brakes to avoid the bus. The car skidded on the riin-slip- pery road and ran into a ditch.

Thayer. some 25 to 30 children aboard the bus other bystand- ers ran to help the driver. As they stood in the road a car driven by Mrs. Mary Lou Arndt, 26, came over the hill and ran Inlo the group. Mrs.

Arncit's car overturned but she escaped with cuts and bruises. She was held for investigation. The 'first motorist, Robert Sullivan, 36, was not injured. Soft Job ST. Mo.

W) -Looking for a Job? County Clerk Floyd Inman must hire four people Friday to count just four votes. They will get each. The statutes require the absentees be counted by two Democrats and two Republicans. Only four Buchanan County absentee ballots were received for Tuesday's special election on state public school aid. Finish Trial Of O'Connor WASHINGTON Ul Arthur Harvey O'Connor's trial for contempt night's rest and feels comfortable and cheerful.

His morning examinations show his temperature pulse and blood pressure to be normal." Birthday Party Arranged A birthday party was set up for rnursday on the eighth floor of the Fitzsimmons Army Hospital for Mrs. Eisenhower's sister, Mrs. Gordon Moore of Washington, D. of Congress came Iami1 dinneri inclu 5 in a day opposing counsel argutag birtM a was lanne(1 over whether he had the right to ce ptlon on tell Senate investigators It was a from Els TM wer none of their business Jf he had been a Caldwell accused the company of coercing non-strikers into going through picket lines and added that Wednesday "company representatives shot at pickets first." After these initial shots, a claimed, the demonstrators "went home for guns and came back." He said Perfect Circle flew guns and bed clothing into the non- strikers within the plant by means of helicopter. He warned further that plants at Hagerstown and Richmond could courtesy of the 35.

who has been working ecome targets for the same sort carpenter on a Great Northern 0 violent demonstrations a railroad section crew. He came I erupted here. Spectacular Crash Fatal EVERETT, Wash. la A car(rack accident killed a driver and smashed a two-story house here before dawn Thursday. heads for the day wilt includ Ei invited to free movies at the Fox The dead man is Clifford Eng.

ent; Georgia McAllister, city clerk; Sunday school or to church Terry Howe, city attorney; Larry iervices. the floor not sick room. Hagerty said Nixon would see the President Saturday Students Die AUIO Asst. U. S.

Atty. William Hilz, the government prosecutor, said no has a right to refuse to an- government investigators when they ask htm a question of import to the national security. would depend on the physicians. If from Gaines, Okla. Police said the home ol Mr.

and City's Budget Gets Approval Cenlralia's city commission Thursday had formally adopted the city's 1956 budget, following almost exactly the preliminary budget proposed last month. The budget total for 1956 is $1,456,635.26, more than 8180,000 over 1955's Increased he does'not talk with the President'personnel, including two addition- then, he will see him Sunday. Dr. White is coming for another personal examination of President and a full consultation with the bedside doctors on the extent It's a Girl! TEXARKANA, Ark. -Leaflets floating down from an airplane over Texarkana Wednesday read: "It's a Girl, Sheila Kay McCall, Five Pounds Eight Ounces, Ten Fingers, Ten Toes, Mother OK." The mystery was cleared up when it was learned Mrs.

Joe McCall gave birlh to a first child at St. Michaels Hospital and the father, a private pilot, was just advertising. The union spokesman said UAW-CIO will continue to insist He told Federal Judge Joseph C. lo which the President's Improve- McGarraghy, hearing the case ment will permit an increase in his i thout a Yuiy, Tina)." in 'the PULLMAN, Wash. Ml Twof one-sided in favor of a conviction" Qtalo O'COHnOr.

Washington State college students i were killed early Thursd-ay whenL But Van Ai "el, de- their car swerved off the a bank, rolled over in 1953 was "an imncrli- times and stopped wheels up on nenl invasion of the defendant's railroad track. as citizen. Winds Blast British Isles LONDON Wl Winds with gusts Freight Train In Derailment Hospital Item Cut in Budget ufi in. nj iziatat Mrs. Arthur Doph was nearly hat management a a i for rr.olishecl when the track trailer i ants in all tnree cmes at tne rig driven by Jack Armstrong olj a time.

He added that the Portland smashed into it after the union has been and is willing to collision on U.S. Highway 99 the dispute, side the city. Guardsmen Moved In Police said the accident occurred National Guardsmen were sent In as England, in a 1949 car, Gov. George Craig Wednes- in front of the Coast Transport A3y ght a Mayor cCo rmaci truck shortly after 4 a.m. As a state of limited emer- vehicles struck, a wis'g thrown out, his head crushed on: Tne'plant was closed Thursday the paving.

a tightly ringed by -heavily The truck-trailer went out of con-i a a dsmen trol and rolled across the street! Tne shooting broke out as dem- into the Doph home. As the. old! 0 nstrators gathered from through- house collapsed around it, the truck maiana marched on the little slopped with its bumper a bare i an t. which normally employs ou- foot from the bed where The union said the r.on- Doph was sleeping in a ji ers fj re( bedroom. Keep Plant Closed SPOKANE t.fl Eleven cars of.

u.i O'Connor hadi a Northern Pacific freight John McNiven. chairman! The ir.e victims were jonn t-. t-eter- before (he genate loade(1 wim wheal gnd corn were fte Centta ia chamber of I a son, at Chicago, and Todd committee on investigations 8S derailed six miles east of Connell Commerce retail trades commit- throughout Spencer Rathbone, 21, of a stage show that Sen. (Thursday but no one was injured, tee, on the city's Thursday free argument both WSC freshmen. Nancy McCarthy thought would add to! The wreck tore up 400 feet situation.

actlo: tnnpa'H 9(1 TH ti ft luster." line track and the NP saidj McNiven said his committee n.incaia, ai, MOSCOW, laano, suuer- A arguments it wouldn't be cleared until 9 a.m. recommended that Thursday free ed Monday, ed rib fractures shock and Is Judge McGar'raghy gave defense lFritIa y- Trains were being be continued as in the Commissioners Clarence in fair condition at a hospital here.Counsel until Oct. 17 and the gov-' over SPS tracks betweenjpast, believing present abuse of erts and Hubert All three were thrown out of the, crnm enl until Oct. 24 to file briefsi pasco and Marshall. (the free parking privilege could ed Uie budget i.

Mr the case, B. V. Coyer, NP's assistant sup-jbe corrected by the merchants Chairman The case presents police officers, across-the- board salary increases of roughly 5 percent for most city employes and an increase of $192,000 capital outlay account for most of the increase. The additional money was allotted for possible improvements to first street snd for improve- (time. ments in the sewer, water and final adoption of Lewis coun- Armstrong was taken to an Evrie sd a light stems.

a19 7( selr os ital Ior ealmen ls He added he intends to keep the The budget adoption was sl8 01 next am! show. plant as as imously approved by Mayor Lewis County General Mrs. Doph also was treated for any a of dlsorder Cain and CommiFsioners ltal item shon 5 af Wednesdav mid- Singer and Alva Yeager. IX, cr ly comn sslone Police Sgt. John Olson nigh; irlya ra the CT "rdt 1 Commissioners heard a report 1 i tl wr 1 ho 5 as men rolled into town in "trucks, Officers said the house was dam-; cal ing out Guardi Gov- aged so badly that the Dophs had Craig vacationing in Miami, difficulty getting out.

Doph and a word through a asleep upstairs at the man that "There will no: be a repetition of nha: happened Wed- was smashed out. 0 Olson estimated the prevent viisorder at the plant, over-ail ADD INDIANA PLANT-- Officer George MetcaH of shipping and blasting a trail i a Patrol said the car was west-icause O'Connor cited the First flange on one car broke. Martin but suggested that Ihe city go (Specified he did not approve of. constitution-'erinlendent here, said the wheel themselves. Commissioner Sing- Jacobsen signed also Anderson sign.j dair Vs; J' aro TM "O- 000 He de- htr Olx ra ti in its entirety; scribed the costly truck anc 1 trailsr.

on wen: lirman 150 as bem loss. an al near The car ran off the track about along with the for a.the hospital item change. Auto Strikes the home two in Richmond. Ir.d., a few scattered pickets. These three phnts.

normally employing almost 1,100 the damage along the west coast. No bound on the Moscow-PullmW Amcn dment in refusing fo answer' 500 an then 10 other carsjtwo or three-month probationaryjthe preliminary budget the (normally employing almost 1, fatalities were reported. highway and left the road less than'" 16 subcommittee's questions. (behind it went off the rails, he to see if the parking works the hospital carried 1 (workers, also are involved in The driving wmds kept the 83.673- mile cttv llmfu 1 a lout as planned. total of $311,500.

In the final bud-'lUOVlllg 113111 i bitter strike ion British liner Queen Elisabeth, ere "I understand that some of the Mayor Cain, with the approval get the figure is J207.532. that demonstrate carrying 1,185 passengers, at her Hurt in Woodi cars iled on or others but I of the other commissioners, told The final and complete cur-; LA SALLE. Colo, ijl Ecat- mizhl be attemoted Thursday Southampton berth, orcing her to said it was roundmg a rton have any dEr n((e mforma McNiven the city ts wllling toirent expense budget totaled wreckage yielded the man- Hawrstown anri Richmond brou carrying 1,185 passengers, at her. Southampton berth, forcing her to! He id was rounding a curve; miss sailing to New Vork. The will try to sail on the high Friday afternoon.

Bul the United Stales, ov which was at another Southampton berth was able to gel away safely with the wind on her stsrn. The winds brought heavy rainsj Peterson, who apparently was rate of speed when it; A young Elma 'cat 1 operator, 'lien on the extent of damage," jcooperate ce 1 line, struck the Wayne Lanphiear, about 23, waslhe said. "We've got a lot of grain'maintaining free Thursday park" shoulder of the road and wentirushed to the Lewis County Gen- on the ground and we'll have to ing under the Chamber of Com' le city Is willing expense budget totaled terert wreckage yielded the man- Hagerstown anri Richmond brought with merchants in.811. some 810,000 under the pre-'gled bodies oi a man and a younsj.out about 30 "Richmond city po- The curve is posted eral hospital in Centralia Thurs- at miles an hour. The car wound day morning for head injuries he up 540 feel from the center line of the roadway, Metcalf reported.

received when a felled tree in the woods operation of Duval and Son replace about 500 ties." The train lett here early Thursday morning and the accident happened about 8:45 a.m. The train and Hoods lo.sjme parts of the driving, was killed instantly. Rath-'struck his machine. country. London was died In a hospital here all attendants said Lan-lout of Pico, Coyer said.

Wednesday night by one of a.m., 15 minutes after the ac- phiear remained unconscious heaviest lalnstormi In weeks, Icldent, BOOB, merce plan. The commission took note of a letter from Police Chief Otto Rucker informing them that Ray Stiltner has completed his six- jauu Cor.ductor Stuckey who workbionths probationary period with Lumber company of 0 a 111 e. crew included Engineer Gilbert line department satisfactorily and iminary budget amount of after a speeding auto rsmmed lice at the machinir.g plant and 112. The shift came in reducing.the side of a moving Union casiing four.drv there, several disbursem*nt items, the'cilic Railroad freight train near' Uniformed State Police were largest being a $5,000 amount ihere early Tnursday. i pulled out of New Castle, but Ob- from the Southwest Washington The State Patrol Identities! the servers were sent to Hagerstown Fair which for years has as Frank P.odrirjiiez.

34, of'and Richmond to watch for any allocated annually. Now Denver, and Leonard. Trujillo, the fair will get only $10.000. La There we're 76 cars in the train had been recommended for bound foe Uw Oouu appointmtot. The big Chrysler Corp.

forge and The final county budget is stilll Fifteen box cars of the fast plant in New Castle, with ell-time high. Ths current.ver-to-Omaha freigh', were derailed a work force of 4,000. reopened en but iione ol crew was Injured, full Ttuirhy moraine. budget toUl is $611,513..

The Daily Chronicle from Centralia, Washington (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

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