How Much Does Bulletproof Glass Cost? – A Brief Analysis! (2024)

The use of bulletproof glass is increasing with every passing day. That’s because bulletproof glass promises maximum protection from almost all kinds of major impacts (bullets, explosions, etc.). Further, it lets you see through it without compromising the safety barrier.

No other material option comes close to the functionality and safety a bulletproof glass offers. There are many types of bulletproof glass available out there. Each one has a different cost and feature set to offer.

This blog post is all about “how much does bulletproof glass cost?” We will also take a look at different types of bullet-resistant glass. So, let us explore this guide!

Bulletproof glass costs around $30 to $100 per Square foot. Factors like glass types, thickness, level of safety, and labor cost vary their cost. Expect to pay around $1200 to $20,000 for quality bulletproof glass.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Types of Bulletproof Glass
    • 1.1 1: Laminated Glass
    • 1.2 2: Monolithic Acrylic Glass
    • 1.3 3: Insulated Ballistic Glass
    • 1.4 4: Glass-Clad Polycarbonate
  • 2 Factors affecting the cost
    • 2.1 1: Level of Protection
    • 2.2 2: Glass Type and Thickness
    • 2.3 3: Dimensions of the Glass
  • 3 Pricing ranges for different types of bulletproof glass:
  • 4 Factors to Consider When Purchasing Bulletproof Glass
    • 4.1 1: Safety Level
    • 4.2 2: Type of Glass
    • 4.3 3: Look for Polished Edges
    • 4.4 4: Cost
    • 4.5 5: You’re Glass Distributor
  • 5 Conclusion

Types of Bulletproof Glass

Here are a few different types of bulletproof glass. Let us explore them one by one:

1: Laminated Glass

First, we have laminated glass. Initially, typical laminated glass was custom fabricated to an extent where it could resist bullet attacks (to some extent only). However, today, a typical laminated glass is not considered bulletproof glass.

It is now mostly used for commercial buildings and in some home improvement projects.

2: Monolithic Acrylic Glass

Monolithic acrylic is basically the most common type of bulletproof glass. Most of these glass panels have UL level 1 or UL level 2 bullet-resistant rating.

Plus, for even better bullet resistance characteristics, UL Level 3 system can also be integrated into monolithic acrylic.

3: Insulated Ballistic Glass

Next up, it’s the insulated ballistic glass (also known as Secure Insulated Glass Units). Insulated ballistic glass offers slightly better protection from various bullet impacts than other bullet-resistant glass options.

These glass units have 1-inch to 1.125 inches thick glazing. Therefore, they offer up to UL Level 3 bullet resistance.

4: Glass-Clad Polycarbonate

The Glass Clad Polycarbonate is one of the strongest bulletproof glass. It can resist up to UL Level 8 bullet impacts. This all is made possible because of the complex structure of this glass unit. It contains various coats of polyurethane and a thick glass sheet. A typical Glass clad polycarbonate is around 1.25 inches thick.

Factors affecting the cost

Now, let us take a look at some important factors that affect the cost of bulletproof glass.

1: Level of Protection

First, you must define the level of protection you require from bulletproof glass. Bulletproof glass panels come with different levels of precision, starting from UL Level 1 to UL Level 8.

UL Level 2 to UL Level 3-rated bullet-resistant glass suits the best for residential usage. Whereas for commercial usage, UL Level 3 onwards glass would be more suitable. So, the protection level here can raise the cost of bulletproof glass.

2: Glass Type and Thickness

Like the level of protection, the glass type and thickness can also raise the cost of bulletproof glass. Similarly, the type of glass you opt for also varies the overall installation cost here. In this regard, secure insulated glass panels tend to cost higher than other bulletproof glass.

3: Dimensions of the Glass

Last but not the least, the dimensions of bulletproof glass also vary its cost. Here, the formula for cost calculation is simple. Larger the size of the bulletproof, the more premium price you will have to pay for it.

Pricing ranges for different types of bulletproof glass:

Type of Bulletproof GlassEstimated Cost
Clear Bulletproof GlassStarts from $855
Tinted Bulletproof GlassStarting from $900

Factors to Consider When Purchasing Bulletproof Glass

Here are some factors to consider before purchasing bulletproof glass.

1: Safety Level

You don’t want bulletproof glass that can’t resist the impact of bullets to a great extent. Therefore, opting for at least UL Level 2-rated bulletproof glass is always a good idea.

2: Type of Glass

There are various types of bulletproof glass options. In this regard, you should first define your requirements. Are you installing them for the protection of your house? Or do you have some serious security threats? In either case, there is quality bulletproof glass available.

For instance, you can go with insulated ballistic glass for maximum bullet resistance. While the monolithic acrylic offers reasonable bullet protection.

3: Look for Polished Edges

Polished edges of bulletproof glass panels further enhance their safety characteristics. Plus, polished edges help a lot in the installation process. So, it’s better to go with bulletproof glass that comes with polished edges.

4: Cost

The cost is one of the most important factors to consider here. Usually, bulletproof glass tends to be on the expensive side. However, they also offer maximum safety and protection from bullet impacts and explosions.

So, the cost also matters here. But you will have to pay a bit extra for some good protection.

5: You’re Glass Distributor

No matter which type of bullet-resistant glass you opt for, your chosen glass distributor must be authentic. Fab Glass and Mirror is America’s fastest-growing glass wholesaler. You can shop for a wide range of bulletproof glass panels.

Further, you also get a 10% lower price benefit when you buy any glass panel from Fab Glass and Mirror. So, consider Fab Glass and Mirror for buying any type of bullet-resistant glass.


So, now you know how much bulletproof glass costs. Sure, they cost thousands, but they are also life savers. You can even install them in homes or apartments for added safety and protection.

While buying bulletproof glass, you should consider your requirements, glass type, thickness, and UL level rating. We recommend buying your chosen bulletproof glass from a reliable glass wholesaler.

About The Author

How Much Does Bulletproof Glass Cost? – A Brief Analysis! (5)


Wahad is an experienced content writer who likes to write onbathroom remodeling and renovation tips. He knows how to write engaging DIY guides,tips, tricks, and informative blogs that helps his reader get the most out oftheir bathroom remodeling projects.

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How Much Does Bulletproof Glass Cost? – A Brief Analysis! (2024)


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