Benefits of Jumping Rope: To Lose Weight and More (2024)

Jump rope is a full-body workout that can improve your cardio health and strengthen your muscles. It’s also fun.

Jumping rope isn’t just for kids — it’s also a great full-body workout for adults.

It will not only improve your cardio and muscle strength but also help burn calories to support weight loss.

Since all you need is a pair of training shoes and a jump rope, many people are ditching their usual cardio workouts for this fun exercise. Perhaps you may wonder whether you should, too.

This article reviews jumping rope, lists its benefits, and explains how it can help you become fitter and even lose weight.

Though it was once thought that weight loss was simply “calories in, calories out,” it’s more complicated and nuanced than this.

While it’s true that a person must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, achieving meaningful weight loss requires a well-rounded approach.

You can achieve a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories, expending more energy through movement and exercise, or a combination of both. However, the size of your calorie deficit depends on your body composition and calorie needs.

For instance, most research suggests that a 10–20% calorie deficit is sustainable for most people and will help promote fat loss and preserve lean muscle mass (1, 2, 3, 4).

To illustrate, let’s say a person needs 2,200 calories per day to maintain their current weight. A deficit of 10–20% would equal around 220–440 calories per day, which can be achieved through eating less, moving more, or both.

Additionally, a person who is 5’2” (157 cm), weighs 150 pounds (68 kg), and leads a sedentary lifestyle will have very different calorie needs than a person who is 6’5” (196 cm), weighs 300 pounds (136 kg), and works a physically demanding job.

If you’re unsure how many calories your body needs in a day based on your age, sex, height, weight, and activity level, using an online calculator that uses the Harris-Benedict equation or the Mifflin-St Jeor equation can give you a rough estimate.

Along with this, as a person loses weight, they’re going to expend fewer calories and need to eat fewer calories to maintain their weight, which can make weight loss harder.

While it may be easy to dismiss failed weight loss attempts for a lack of effort, many factors are at play and can help or hinder your weight loss goals, such as (5, 6, 7, 8, 9):

  • muscle vs. fat mass (e.g., having more muscle mass burns more calories at rest)
  • sleep duration and quality
  • chronic stress
  • medications
  • medical conditions (e.g., hypothyroidism)
  • age
  • genetics
  • diet quality
  • a history of yo-yo dieting

What’s more, losing weight may not be as important as changing your body’s composition in favor of more muscle mass and less fat mass, which is usually a better determinant of health (10, 11, 12, 13).

Since muscle is denser than fat gram-for-gram, it takes up less space on the body yet weighs the same. Therefore, while you may not see the number on the scale change, you may observe noticeable differences in your waist circumference and muscle definition.

Instead of focusing on the scale, focus mainly on leading a healthy lifestyle that promotes exercise, following a healthy diet, reducing your stress levels, and getting good quality sleep, which will likely help you feel more energetic and support fat loss and muscle growth.


Though a calorie deficit is needed to lose weight, calorie needs vary from person to person.

Along with helping with weight loss, there are many other benefits to jumping rope.

Improves cardio fitness

Jumping rope is excellent for improving your cardiorespiratory fitness (14, 15, 16).

Jumping continuously for a period of time requires more blood and oxygen to be pumped to working muscles, which increases your heart rate and respiratory rate to accommodate the increased demand.

Over time, this can strengthen your heart and improve your lung capacity, allowing you to exercise for longer.

Strengthens muscles

If you’re looking for an effective full-body workout, try jumping rope.

The act of jumping rope relies on your lower body muscles (e.g., calves, thighs, and buttocks), upper body (e.g., shoulders and biceps), and abdominal muscles (16, 17).

This can not only help improve muscle strength but also your muscular endurance, which allows your muscles to exercise for longer, and increase explosive power for quick, sudden movements that are common in sports (17, 18, 19).

Builds stronger bones

Jumping rope is a high impact exercise that stresses the bones in a healthy way to make them stronger.

As a person jumps, the body responds to the temporary stress on bones caused by ground reaction forces by building them back stronger and denser.

In fact, one 22-week study including Olympic swimmers observed significant increases in bone mineral density of the lumbar spine and femoral neck (a part of the thigh bone) after participating in 20 minutes of jump rope and full-body vibration twice per week (20).

Other studies have also shown similar results with jumping rope and similar exercises (21, 22, 23).

May improve your coordination and balance

Adding the jump rope to your workout routine can be a great way to improve your balance and coordination.

Learning to jump rope involves the coordination of your arms, legs, and torso while also keeping a constant rhythm. Furthermore, you must have proper balance to maintain your center of gravity and allow your feet to push off of the ground in a repeated fashion (24, 25).

Fortunately, you decide how fast you’re jumping and rotating the rope, meaning you can slowly build your coordination and balance based on your needs.

It’s fun

For many people, exercise can feel like a chore.

However, jumping rope can be a fun yet highly effective exercise that can bring joy back into your exercise routine. What’s more, you can modify your jump rope routine to add novelty and difficulty as you become better at it.

In fact, the more you enjoy your exercise, the more likely you are to stick to it long term (26).


Jumping rope is a fun exercise that can help strengthen your bones and muscle, enhance your cardiorespiratory fitness, and improve your coordination and balance.

The number of calories burned during exercise largely depends on the exercise duration, intensity, and a person’s weight.

For example, a 200-pound (91-kg) person can burn an impressive 362 calories from 20 minutes of jumping rope quickly, or 241 calories when jumping rope slowly (27).

Therefore, adding jump rope to your daily routine can help contribute to achieving a calorie deficit, which is needed for weight loss.


Jumping rope is an effective workout that can burn many calories in a short time frame. For example, 20 minutes of jump rope can burn up to 241 calories for a 200-pound (91-kg) person.

Though you can burn a lot of calories from jump rope, it’s not enough to support long-term weight loss.

If you solely rely on jumping rope to burn calories but continue to consume a high calorie diet that puts you in a calorie surplus, you won’t lose weight.

Instead, sustainable weight loss involves a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle, which includes eating a nutrient-dense, minimally processed diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing your stress levels (28, 29).

While jumping rope is a great form of exercise and can help with your weight loss efforts, it’s best to include other exercise modalities into your routine to maximize your fitness.

A well-rounded workout regime will include strength training (e.g., weight-bearing exercise and Pilates), cardio, and balance training (30, 31, 32, 33).


Though jump rope can be a great way to burn extra calories and improve your fitness, you should still incorporate other exercises and healthy lifestyle habits to achieve long-term weight loss.

There are many great ways to add jumping rope to your workout program.

Depending on your experience and goals, you can make jumping rope your entire workout or add it to another workout. While you can customize your workouts to fit your preferences, below are some ideas you can try.

Endurance workout

For this workout, the goal is to jump rope as long as possible, which will help to build your cardiorespiratory endurance. The focus should be slow, moderate intensity jumping, rather than jumping as fast as you can.

To begin, start a stopwatch and see how long you can jump at a consistent pace without needing to stop. If you’re able to, take a short break and do this again.

Over time, try to increase your jumping time, ideally aiming for up to 20–30 minutes without stopping.


If you want to use a jump rope to warm up your muscles before another workout, try jumping rope for 3–5 minutes at a moderate, consistent pace.


To finish off your workout, try to raise your heart rate as high as possible by completing a quick, burnout jump rope session.

At the end of any workout, jump at a fast pace for a count of 100 jumps. Take a short break, and continue jumping in intervals of 100 for up to 500 or more cumulative jumps.

This can also be its own workout if you’re short on time. Aim to do as many intervals as you can in 10–15 minutes.

Sedentary break

If you’ve been sitting for a long time and want a quick break from being sedentary, grab a jump rope and skip for a few minutes. Doing this a few times during the day can add up and may give you a boost of endorphins to help you with your other tasks.


If you don’t like waiting between your sets while weight training, try skipping rope for 30–60 seconds to keep your heart rate up between sets.


You can jump rope for an entire workout or add it in throughout your day. Since you control how fast and long you jump, you can easily make adjustments based on your fitness goals and needs.

Jumping rope is a quick, affordable, and effective workout.

It can increase your cardiorespiratory fitness, build stronger bones and muscles, and improve your balance and coordination.

It also burns an impressive amount of calories in a short period of time, which can help you achieve the calorie deficit you need to lose weight.

If you’re looking to mix things up and get in a good workout, all you need is a rope and to start jumping.

Jumping rope is a full-body workout that can improve cardio health, strengthen muscles, and support weight loss. It is not just for kids, as it is also a great exercise for adults. Jumping rope requires only a pair of training shoes and a jump rope, making it a convenient and fun exercise option. In addition to weight loss, jumping rope offers several benefits, including improved cardio fitness, strengthened muscles, stronger bones, improved coordination and balance, and it is a fun form of exercise. The number of calories burned during jumping rope depends on factors such as exercise duration, intensity, and a person's weight. While jumping rope can contribute to weight loss, it is important to incorporate other exercises and maintain a healthy lifestyle for long-term weight loss. Adding jumping rope to a workout program can be done in various ways, such as endurance workouts, warm-ups, finishers, sedentary breaks, or mid-workout sessions. Jumping rope is a quick, affordable, and effective workout that can be customized based on individual fitness goals and needs.

Benefits of Jumping Rope: To Lose Weight and More (2024)


Benefits of Jumping Rope: To Lose Weight and More? ›

Cardiovascular Fitness: Jumping rope is an excellent way to improve your cardiovascular health. It gets your heart pumping and helps increase your stamina over time. Calorie Burn: Skipping burns a significant number of calories in a short period, making it an efficient tool for weight loss.

How does jumping rope help you lose weight? ›

If your goal is more caloric expenditure, then jumping rope is a better option than running. One minute of it can burn 10-16 calories, which means skipping rope for 30 minutes, segmenting into three 10-minute rounds can burn around 480 calories.

What happens if you skip 1000 times a day? ›

What happens if I do 1000 skips every day? A: If you do 1000 skips daily, you can expect to burn calories and improve your cardiovascular fitness. The number of calories burned while skipping depends on various factors. It includes your weight, age, and intensity level.

How long should I jump rope a day to lose fat? ›

As a beginner trying to lose weight, we recommend jumping rope for 5 to 10 minutes, every day. As you build stamina and get more experienced, you could increase that to 30 minutes a day, 2 to 3 times a week. If you're an advanced jumper, you could jump rope from anywhere between 30 minutes to even 90 minutes a day.

Does jump rope reduce belly fat? ›

The short answer is yes, skipping rope can help reduce belly fat, but it's important to understand how it works and what else you need to do to achieve your desired results. Skipping rope is what we all used for fun in our childhood. Jumping the skipping rope improves the metabolism of the body.

What is the quickest way to lose weight? ›

Methods of weight loss that scientific research supports include the following:
  1. Trying intermittent fasting. ...
  2. Tracking your diet and exercise. ...
  3. Eating mindfully. ...
  4. Eating protein with meals. ...
  5. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbohydrates. ...
  6. Eating plenty of fiber. ...
  7. Balancing gut bacteria. ...
  8. Getting a good night's sleep.

How long does it take to see results from jump rope? ›

If you're wondering how fast it takes to see results from jumping rope, then please understand that this widely varies from person to person. While some people might see results in 3-4 weeks, others might take 2-3 months.

What is the 7 day jump rope challenge? ›

The 7-day jumping rope challenge is a program that involves jumping rope 1000 times each day for seven consecutive days. This challenge will help to push your limits, as jumping 1000 times a day can be quite challenging.

Which exercise burns the most calories? ›

Generally, running is the best calorie-burning exercise. But if you don't have enough time to go on a run, you can shorten your workout into high-intensity sprints. Your body will rapidly burn calories to fuel your workout. Before sprinting, warm up by doing jumping jacks or high-knee running.

What are the disadvantages of skipping rope? ›

Skipping exercises do not have any kind of disadvantages as such but people with any knee, foot elbows problem or fractures should avoid doing them or take advice from the doctor before doing. Skipping puts pressure on your knee, foot and elbow and can further aggravate the problem, causing discomfort.

What is the best exercise to lose belly fat? ›

Aerobic exercise includes any activity that raises your heart rate such as walking, dancing, running or swimming. This can also include doing housework, gardening and playing with your children. Other types of exercise such as strength training, Pilates and yoga can also help you lose belly fat.

Does skipping rope reduce buttocks? ›

It's also a serious fat-blaster.

If you [burn more than you take in], you will burn fat throughout every part of your body… mid-section, arms. butt, wherever fat resides it will be reduced." And since jumping rope burns SO many calories, to put it simply: "Jump rope is more effective than liposuction."

Can jump rope be your only exercise? ›

In fact, jumping rope can be your only workout and you can still reap many health benefits.

How many skipping to burn 1000 calories? ›

A MET is a measurement of the energy cost of physical activity for a period of time. Jumping rope at a vigorous pace is about 12.3 METS. Using this formula, research has shown that most people jumping rope at a moderate pace will burn around 140-190 calories for every 1,000 skips.

Is jump rope better than running? ›

While the scientific data on jumping rope and total calorie burn may be inconclusive, the literature concerning cardiovascular health is not: jumping rope provides more cardiovascular benefits in less time than running.

Is 15 minutes of jump rope enough to lose weight? ›

I burned more calories than expected

You can expect to burn roughly 170 calories per 10 minutes of jumping rope and up to 300 calories per 15 minutes.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.